Tag: mushrooms

Brown Butter Sage Gnocchi with Mushrooms and Goats Cheese

Brown Butter Sage Gnocchi with Mushrooms and Goats Cheese

This recipe is our attempt to recreate a delicious Gnocchi dish we recently ate at a famous restaurant in Sydney, Australia. The dish is a beautiful Brown Butter Sage Gnocchi with Mushrooms and Goats Cheese. The restaurant who created this dish is called Franca. Anyone 

Teriyaki Salmon on Rice

Teriyaki Salmon on Rice

Here is a recipe that is designed to impress. Both in how it looks and how it tastes. This is the ultimate homemade Teriyaki Salmon on Rice Dish. Everything in this recipe you make from scratch too! From homemade Teriyaki Sauce to your very own 

Grits and Mushroom Dinner

Grits and Mushroom Dinner

Simple dishes are always the best in our opinion. Keep the ingredients simple, make sure they’re fresh, and cook them well. That’s really the secret to great cooking at the end of the day and this Vegetarian Grits and Mushroom Recipe is a fantastic example 

Portobello Mushrooms in Sherry

Portobello Mushrooms in Sherry

This is one of those mind-blowing dishes we ate probably about 12 years ago now. It was a dish we ate at an institutional Spanish restaurant in Melbourne, Australia by the name of Movida. At that time there weren’t copious amounts of good Spanish restaurants 

Stuffed Mushrooms with Cream Cheese and Garlic

Stuffed Mushrooms with Cream Cheese and Garlic

What fantastic appetizers these are! Delicious Mushrooms stuffed with a beautiful Cream Cheese filling, flavored with an assortment of goodies. They’re the perfect party snack and taste delicious! We’ve flavored these amazing morsels of goodness with Garlic, Parsley, and Parmesan Cheese. We can safely say 

Creamy Mushroom Toast

Creamy Mushroom Toast

This is one of those recipes that you can really flex your creativity when it comes to plating. There are so many fun combinations to add to this simple, yet delicious Creamy Mushroom Toast to enhance the flavor and make it visually stunning Creamy Mushroom 

Roasted Mushrooms with Garlic Butter

Roasted Mushrooms with Garlic Butter

Mushrooms are such an amazing and versatile vegetable. Cook them up as a side dish to a beautiful protein, or eat them as their own main course. They’re brilliant however you want them. There’s something about the headline of this recipe that just draws you 

Simple Mushroom Stock

Simple Mushroom Stock

If you’ve read any of our Stock recipes then forgive me for repeating myself. Here we go anyway: Stock is a critical part of any home kitchen! Any home cooking you are doing will be significantly improved if you make and use your own Stock! 

Creamy Shrimp Soup

Creamy Shrimp Soup

If you’ve made our delicious Cast Iron Creamy Chicken recipe then chances are you’ve got some sauce leftover. Well, hopefully you have. That sauce is so delicious it is so easy to mop it all up with some crusty bread. So, if you do have 

Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine

Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine

Ok so in full disclosure this recipe was a bit of a random trial, but it turned out unbelievable! This Roast Mushrooms with Butter dish involved the use of leftover Mushrooms, Butter, and White Wine from previous other dishes (ok the White Wine we may 

Butternut Squash and Mushroom Risotto

Butternut Squash and Mushroom Risotto

Fall is such a great time of year to cook. The weather is getting a little cooler so you can start to bust out some of those lovely warming dishes that would be absurd to cook during the middle of a scorching summer. The produce