Oven Roasted Fennel

Oven Roasted Fennel

Perhaps one of the more underappreciated root vegetables perfect for an oven roasting is the humble Fennel. This anise-rich Vegetable has such a wonderful flavor and, like so many Vegetables like it, tastes at its best when caramelized to perfection in the Oven. They can 

White Wine Braised Leeks

White Wine Braised Leeks

The perfect Vegetable Side dish needs to fulfil a few key criteria. It must taste amazing (of course!). It must provide a unique counter-flavor to the main being eaten to give the overall meal balance. Finally, it needs to bring something unique to the table, 

Roast Eggplant with Balsamic Vinegar

Roast Eggplant with Balsamic Vinegar

A great vegetable side dish needs to deliver on two thing: 1; It must be easy to make, and 2; it needs to taste delicious. This delicious Roast Eggplant with Balsamic Vinegar side dish delivers both of those requirements with ease! It also delivers on 

Chinese Garlic Broccolini with Chili

Chinese Garlic Broccolini with Chili

Sometimes it’s the simple dishes that are the ones that become the most memorable. Simple ingredients cooked well. That’s what good cuisine is all about in our opinion. This recipe is right up that alley. Our Chinese Garlic Broccolini with Chili dish packs a whopping 

Cauli Mac and Cheese

Cauli Mac and Cheese

For those who want all the indulgence of Mac and Cheese but want to feel slightly better about eating it, why not make this awesome Cauli Mac and Cheese dish instead? You will get all the benefits of a beautiful Mac and Cheese, but you’ll 

Garlic Lemon Broccoli with Chili

Garlic Lemon Broccoli with Chili

Broccoli is such an amazing ingredient to cook with. Super versatile and can be prepared in so many different, delicious ways. This dish is one of our all-time favorite preparations of the mighty Broccoli. Our classic Garlic Lemon Broccoli with Chili A delicious combination of 

Portobello Mushrooms in Sherry

Portobello Mushrooms in Sherry

This is one of those mind-blowing dishes we ate probably about 12 years ago now. It was a dish we ate at an institutional Spanish restaurant in Melbourne, Australia by the name of Movida. At that time there weren’t copious amounts of good Spanish restaurants 

Cauliflower Puree

Cauliflower Puree

Who needs boring old Mashed Potatoes as a side when you can jazz things up with Cauliflower! This is a super simple and delicious Cauliflower Puree recipe that requires very little effort for a huge reward The good old Cauliflower has had a massive resurgence 

Roasted Mushrooms with Garlic Butter

Roasted Mushrooms with Garlic Butter

Mushrooms are such an amazing and versatile vegetable. Cook them up as a side dish to a beautiful protein, or eat them as their own main course. They’re brilliant however you want them. There’s something about the headline of this recipe that just draws you 

Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine

Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine

Ok so in full disclosure this recipe was a bit of a random trial, but it turned out unbelievable! This Roast Mushrooms with Butter dish involved the use of leftover Mushrooms, Butter, and White Wine from previous other dishes (ok the White Wine we may 

Pickled Onions

Pickled Onions

In our house it’s mandatory that there is always a jar of beautifully pickled onions in the fridge. They are such a versatile addition to a meal; from livening up a salad with nice acidic hit, or adding a beautiful contrasting flavor and texture to 

Caramelized Onions

Caramelized Onions

Caramelized Onions could very well go down as our all-time favorite ingredient. If you frequent our blog enough you’ll notice they appear in a LOT of dishes. So what? They taste amazing so they should be used a lot! In fact, I don’t think we