Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine
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Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine<div class="yasr-vv-stars-title-container"><div class='yasr-stars-title yasr-rater-stars'
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Ok so in full disclosure this recipe was a bit of a random trial, but it turned out unbelievable! This Roast Mushrooms with Butter dish involved the use of leftover Mushrooms, Butter, and White Wine from previous other dishes (ok the White Wine we may just have been drinking!)

We had prepared a Butter Poached Lobster using the poaching sauce of Butter, White Wine and a little bit of Salt. The sauce ended up tasting delicious on that Lobster but we had a bunch of it leftover. Also leftover – some beautiful Enoki Mushrooms which we had previously used in an Oven Roasted Mushroom dish (recipe link coming soon). The Enoki weren’t the greatest addition to that dish so we thought, why not drown them in Butter and White Wine sauce then roast them? Well, we did, and it was amazing!

The Enoki Mushroom don’t require a long roast – 10 minutes on a high heat is more than enough. The Butter and White Wine do all kinds of amazing things to those Mushrooms when being roasted and they turn out delicious. This is a fantastic Mushroom dish as a side and we’d highly recommend giving it a try!

What kind of White Wine is best to use for poaching Mushrooms?

We have a general rule of thumb when it comes to cooking with Wine and it’s pretty simple: Cook with Wine that you yourself would enjoy drinking. That doesn’t mean you need to be splashing out $50 – $100+ on wine for cooking! (honestly, who’s paying that much for wine these days anyway!?)

Simply put, don’t use crappy, cheap wine that doesn’t taste great. Because if it tastes bad in a wine glass, it’s going to taste bad in your cooking too. We’re very happy to drink $10 – $15 bottles of wine that we enjoy. Trust us, we’ve done a lot of road-testing wines over the years so have a substantial list of great budget wines we drink often!

So just get a nice, cheap bottle of wine that you can enjoy and drink alongside the dish. This recipe only requires 1 cup of Wine, so guess what you can do with the remaining bottle? That’s right! You drink it!

In terms of the type of Wine, you can use any but bear in mind the different flavor profiles of the wine varietal you use will impact the dish. If you like richer flavors, then use a Riesling or Chardonnay. For lighter, more subtle flavor you can use a Sauvignon Blanc or Chenin Blanc

Roast Mushrooms with Butter top down view
Add some Garlic into this Roast Mushrooms with Butter dish for even more flavor and sweetness!

You can use other types of Mushrooms for this dish, and it will taste great

We stumbled across this recipe because we had leftover Enoki mushrooms from a completely different dish. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Enoki Mushrooms are the only type that will work in this recipe. Any Mushrooms will work great, because let’s face it – you’re combining Mushrooms with Wine and Butter. It’s going to taste good regardless!

Enoki Mushrooms don’t take long to cook at all, so our recipe timing is based on very thin Mushrooms like Enoki. If you are using thicker Mushrooms such as Trumpet or Portobello, they will require a longer roasting time

We would simply recommend checking the Mushrooms every 5 minutes or so in the Oven for doneness. Once the Mushrooms have turned a dark brown color and released their juices, they’ll be ready to eat

To get the most flavor into your Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine, cook them twice

Mushrooms are like sponges in cooking. They will absorb whatever ingredients you surround them with more than any other vegetable, which is why they are so popular and so versatile. For our recipe we want to infuse as much of that Butter and White Wine flavor into the Mushrooms as possible

Therefore, before the Mushrooms are roasted in the Oven we poach them in the Butter White Wine Liquid for a few minutes. This technique will ensure all that wonderful flavor gets absorbed into the Mushrooms. They are then roasted to seal in the flavor, and get a beautiful caramelization to them

This technique requires a little bit more time, but trust us, it’s worth it. You’ll be enjoying the most delicious tasting Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine ever

Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine are the perfect side dish

The flavor and texture this dish brings to the table makes it a great side dish. Whether you’re pairing it alongside your favorite protein, or a delicious vegetarian meal, it’s the perfect side dish for a complete meal

Here’s a few of our favorite recipes that we’d recommend you pair alongside these delicious Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine:

Recipe Details


2 – 4 people

Prep time

5 minutes

Cooking time

18 minutes

Total time

23 minutes

Roast Mushrooms with Butter and White Wine Recipe


  • 1 Large Enoki Mushroom (approx. 2 cups)
  • 6 Tbsp. Unsalted Butter
  • 1 cup White Wine
  • 4 Garlic Cloves, peeled
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • pinch of Finishing Salt


  1. Combine the White Wine, Butter, and Salt into a saucepan over a medium / low heat. Slowly melt the butter and cook the mixture to draw out the alcohol from the wine, stirring continuously
  2. After about 5 minutes your Sauce should be ready so reduce the heat to low as you prepare the Enoki Mushroom
  3. Prepare the Enoki Mushrooms by cutting off the cap (the bit at the end of the Mushrooms holding them all together). Ideally, keep the Mushrooms so that several of the stems are still connected, however the total Mushroom is broken up enough so form several nice pieces
  4. Turn the Saucepan heat up to a medium / high then add the Mushrooms. Stir continuously for 2-3 minutes. We want the Mushrooms to begin to color and absorb all that lovely Butter and Wine
  5. Next, place the Mushrooms on an oven tray and drizzle over the remaining butter sauce on top. Add the Garlic then roast the Mushrooms in a pre-heated oven at 400 degrees for 10 minutes
  6. Remove from the oven, place into a serving bowl and sprinkle with some flaky Finishing Salt

So, turns out Butter Poaching ingredients other than Lobster turns out pretty well too! Look out for more Butter Poached recipes on Dinnertime Somewhere very soon!

Try pairing these beautiful Mushrooms with some of our delicious Dinner recipes here. Happy cooking!

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