Creamy Kale Salad
5 (1)

Creamy Kale Salad<div class="yasr-vv-stars-title-container"><div class='yasr-stars-title yasr-rater-stars'
></div><span class='yasr-stars-title-average'>5 (1)</span></div>

Kale was once hailed as the savior food. The super food that humans cannot get enough of and should eat every day! I’m not sure if that is still what people are saying, however the Kale fad of 10 years ago has never really died off and it is still a super popular leafy addition to salads across the world these days. Personally, we’re big fans. Regardless of how good for you it is, it just tastes damn good when prepared right with a lovely dressing. This Creamy Kale Salad hits the spot

This is one of our absolute favorite salad go to recipes. It’s super easy to prepare and with the addition of some Japanese Mayonnaise makes it luxurious and creamy while still being a healthy meal. The flavor is punched up by about 1 million with the addition of the Red Anchovies. Trust us on this, they add a brilliant saltiness which makes the whole salad sing

You can add some additional vegetables you put in this dish, however we’re keeping this recipe super simple with Kale and Red Onions as the main vegetables. Consider this the ‘baseline’ salad recipe and feel free to add some delicious additions such as Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumber, Radishes, you name it really. Whatever your liking will go down well with this Creamy Kale Salad. A lovely, healthy weekday meal

The secret weapon for amazing Salad Dressing – Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise

If there’s one piece of advice we’re giving to our foodies friends it is to always have some Kewpie Mayonnaise in your refrigerator. This ingredient is one of the most versatile and delicious ingredients going around. It can completely elevate the flavor of any dish you add it to. Of course, this Creamy Kale Salad is no exception

Sure, you could use regular Mayonnaise in this recipe, and it will taste good. However, Kewpie Mayonnaise ramps the flavor up 100%. It is a sweeter, creamier version of the more traditional Mayonnaise. Only a few years ago it was quite a difficult ingredient to locate, and you would only really come across it at Japanese Restaurants

Now it is readily available at most grocery stores due to its massive increase in popularity. The Mayonnaise adds creaminess to this Salad and helps to balance out the aggressive acid in the dressing care of the Red Wine Vinegar. 2 tablespoons are more than enough to add to the Salad to completely transform it. Give it a go, we guarantee you’ll love it!

Creamy Kale Salad on plate
Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise is the secret weapon to make the best Creamy Kale Salad dish

Some great dishes to eat alongside the Creamy Kale Salad

If you prepare enough of this dish you absolutely can eat it as a main course for dinner. We like serving it as a side salad however alongside a beautiful protein. The Creamy Kale Salad is quite light and refreshing, so we find it pairs really well with heavier, more hearty meals on the plate. Here are a few of our favorite recipes to pair with this Salad:

Give the Kale a swim in the dressing before cooking

Kale is a notoriously tough ingredient. So, while its super healthy for you – it requires a little bit of work to get the most out of this amazing leafy vegetable. The fibers in the Kale plant are very tough, so when eaten raw can become quite chewy

A great technique we’ve found to tenderize the Kale leaves is to simply have them sit in the dressing for about 10 minutes before you add the other ingredients. The acid in the dressing will help to break down the Kale, leaving it lovely and tender. 10 – 20 minutes is all you need, and it will leave the Kale beautifully tender, and flavored with the wonderful dressing

Recipe Details


2 – 4 people

Prep time

20 minutes

Cooking time


Total time

20 minutes

Creamy Kale Salad Recipe


  • ½ bunch of Kale, chopped
  • ½ Red Onion, sliced
  • 2 Red Anchovies, chopped
  • 4 tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 1 tbsp. Red Wine Vinegar
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 2 tbsp. Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise


  1. Make the creamy dressing by combining Olive Oil, Red Wine Vinegar, Mayonnaise and Salt into a salad bowl. Whisk thoroughly to combine the ingredients. Taste for seasoning and add a little more Salt if required
  2. Add the Kale into the bowl and coat thoroughly with the mixture. Kale is a tough vegetable so give it about 10 minutes with the dressing as the Vinegar will help to break down the Kale, making it perfect for eating
  3. Finally, to serve, add the Red Onion and whichever additional vegetables you want to include, or just simply serve the salad as is

That’s it! A simple salad which goes amazing with a load of different proteins or is delicious by itself. Check our our Poultry and Seafood recipes as these proteins pair great with this salad

Happy Cooking!

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