Focaccia Flatbread
5 (1)

Focaccia Flatbread<div class="yasr-vv-stars-title-container"><div class='yasr-stars-title yasr-rater-stars'
></div><span class='yasr-stars-title-average'>5 (1)</span></div>

This is our recipe to make that famous bread from Italy we all love, Focaccia. We have a slight twist on the classic, with this recipe producing an amazing Focaccia Flatbread. All that delicious Focaccia flavors of Olive Oil, Salt, and Rosemary and there and served up in a beautiful Flatbread

This is an awesome way to serve Focaccia. Cut it into rectangles and pile them up for your family to snack on. Serve it as a yummy side dish to a heaty meal to mop up all that sauce. You can even use it as a base for your own Focaccia Pizza. The flatbread interpretation of this famous dish is an awesome way to cook it and eat it!

The simple combination of Olive Oil, Salt, and Rosemary produced an utterly divine flavor

Italian food is all about simplicity. Simple ingredients made well. That’s all there is to it. Well, this approach to cooking couldn’t be more apparent with the Focaccia Flatbread. The simple combination of beautifully baked bread with Olive Oil, Rosemary, and Flaky Salt is stunning

The Olive Oil brings all that beautiful fatty flavor, the Rosemary (which gets roasted during the cooking process) is bursting with that herby, punchy bite. Finally, the Flaky Sea Salt that is sprinkled on top right before serving not only elevates all the flavors in the Focaccia but brings a delicious freshness to the dish. Almost like you’re eating this beautiful dish right on the Mediterranean Sea itself!

Focaccia Flatbread close up
Good quality Olive Oil, Rosemary, and Salt are the cornerstone ingredients to a beautiful Focaccia Flatbread

Don’t skimp on the Olive Oil when making Focaccia Flatbread!

The most important ingredient in a Focaccia is Olive Oil. The bread absolutely adores Olive Oil and drinks it up like someone who’s just come straight out of the desert! While the quantities of Olive Oil may seem like a lot in the recipe, trust us, the Focaccia Flatbread needs it. Without this much Oil the bread will be dry and ultimately not have much flavor in it

The reason that Focaccia has that unique, bumpy service is so the bread can be a vessel to hold even more Olive Oil before cooking. By poking lots of holes in the top of the bread with your finger, the Oil will pool into those holes, helping the bread to absorb it all during the cooking process

Liberally douse the bread with really good quality Olive Oil right before it goes in the oven, ensuring those lovely holes get a generous pooling of Oil in each one. Once the bread is baked fresh out of the oven then guess what? Yep! Add more Olive Oil!

If you want to go all out on the Olive Oil, you can even serve the Focaccia bread with a side bowl of Olive Oil for dipping. Even add a little bit of good quality Balsamic Vinegar into the Oil for an even more elevated taste

Focaccia is notorious for drying out, so prepare enough to eat it all within a day

If you’ve ever made a big batch of Focaccia before you know exactly what we’re talking about. Probably more than any other bread, Focaccia has the tendency to dry out very quickly. This is due to the relatively low moisture content in the bread, and high quantity of Salt. Naturally, this will lead to a dry bread, which will get stale over time

There are not really many tricks we can suggest to prolong the Focaccia Flatbread from going stale. Our best advice is to cook up enough quantity to eat most of it immediately. Just like any other baked goods, the Flatbread Focaccia will taste its best as soon as it’s been baked

You can store some for up to 24 hours after it has been baked. As I’m in the process of writing this I am chowing down on some lovely Focaccia Flatbread that I have baked the night before. I simply wrapped it tightly in cling film, ensuring no air would be able to get in. It tastes pretty good the next day, so I plan on eating it all!

If you want to make a regular Focaccia then the recipe remains the same

That’s correct! The only difference between a regular Focaccia and our Focaccia Flatbread recipe is literally how flat you make the bread before it is baked. We flattened this bread out, so it was about 1 inch thick, which resulted in the flatbread you seen in these photos

If you want a thicker, more regular style of Focaccia then simply do not flatten the bread out as much. Leave it at around 2 inches thick before you bake. It will come out as a gorgeous, fluffy Focaccia ready to be devoured by hungry people!

Given the regular Focaccia is thicker it may take a little bit more time in the oven. Give it roughly 3-4 more minutes than the recipe below and it’ll be perfect

Focaccia Flatbread with salt
If you want to make a regular Focaccia and not the Focaccia Flatbread, easy. The recipe remains the same, there’s just a slightly different way to bake it

Recipe Details


4 people

Prep time

1 day

Cooking time

15 minutes

Total time

1 day

Focaccia Flatbread Recipe


  • 340g All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp. Yeast
  • 1 cup of Warm Water
  • ½ tsp. Sugar
  • ½ tsp. Salt
  • 4 tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 2 sprigs of fresh Rosemary, roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp. Flaky Sea Salt

Equipment Needed: Stand Mixer with the hook attachment


  1. To make the dough combine Sugar, Water, and Yeast into a mixing bowl. Mix well and allow time for the Yeast to bloom (approximately 5 minutes or so). Click here for our video on how to bloom Yeast
  2. Add Flour, 1 tbsp. Olive Oil and ½ tsp Salt to the mixture then place the bowl in your Stand Mixer. Mix on low to combine all the ingredients then increase the speed to medium for 5 minutes
  3. Place ½ tbsp. of Olive Oil in a large bowl. Remove the dough from the Stand Mixer and shape into a ball (be careful not to move it too much). Place the dough into the oiled bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate overnight
  4. After the dough has proved, remove from the refrigerator, and leave for 1 hour to get to room temperature. Remove the dough from the bowl then add a little more Oil to the bowl. Shape the dough into a ball then place back into the bowl. Leave for 1 hour, uncovered
  5. Shape the dough by holding it in the air and slowly rotating it, allowing gravity to stretch the dough. Once stretched out, place the dough in a large baking pan / sheet pan. Flatten the dough in the pan so it covers most of the pan, and is approximately 1 inch thick
  6. Place divots in the dough approximately ½ inch apart using your finger. Pour over 2 tbsp. of Olive Oil then sprinkle the chopped Rosemary evenly on top
  7. Place in the Oven which has been pre-heated to 425 F / 220 C and bake for 15 minutes, or until the top has turned golden brown
  8. Remove from Oven then drizzle over another 1 tbsp. of Olive Oil. Finish by sprinkling over the Flaky Sea Salt and serve immediately

Try serving this delicious Focaccia Flatbread alongside some of these amazing dishes for a great meal for the family to enjoy

Happy Cooking!

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