Easy Crepes Recipe
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Easy Crepes Recipe<div class="yasr-vv-stars-title-container"><div class='yasr-stars-title yasr-rater-stars'
></div><span class='yasr-stars-title-average'>5 (1)</span></div>

In this recipe we’re going to show you how to make Crepes using our easy Crepes Recipe. Crepes are such a fantastic breakfast and brunch food to eat. Delicious, thin batter cooked in a little bit of butter then filled with your favorite ingredients. It’s the perfect meal to get your day going, and they’re so fun to make!

The one thing about Crepes though, you don’t want to be spending a lot of time making them. When it comes to breakfast or brunch food, it’s all about getting that food onto the plate and into your belly as quickly as possible! This is why our Easy Crepes Recipe is the best. They take no time to prep, require very few ingredients, and take even less time to cook!

Make a simple Crepe Batter with just 4 Ingredients

There are plenty of fancy recipes out there detailing how to make Crepes using all kinds of ingredients and techniques. At the end of the day though, Crepes are a simple dish, and only require minimal ingredients to nail every time

Eggs, Flour, Milk, and Sugar is all you need to make the Perfect Crepes every time. If you like you can add a pinch of Salt as the 5th ingredient, however we’ve found it isn’t necessary and the Sugar is more than enough seasoning to flavor the batter beautifully

Another secret ingredient which is totally optional to add to your Crepes is Ground Cinnamon. For those who love Cinnamon then this is the ingredient for you. It adds a beautiful, subtle richness to the Pancakes without completely overpowering them. Totally optional, but worth a try!

Easy Crepes Recipe 4 Ingredients
This Easy Crepes Recipe requires just 4 ingredients to make perfect Crepes

How to know if you’ve got the right consistency of your Batter before cooking it?

The consistency of the Batter will almost be liquid like. You want the batter to be quite runny, so it pours into a thin coating on the pan. Don’t worry about it breaking apart, the inclusion of the Egg into the batter will ensure that it stays together when cooking

If the batter is resistant when you stir though it with a spoon then you will need to add more Milk. The ratios for the perfect Crepe Batter are 1 part Flour to 1 part Milk. For this recipe we’re using 1 cup of Flour, so that means 1 cup of Flour. This is the ideal proportions for how to make Crepes perfect every time

For the best overall result please use Whole Milk, try to avoid Skim Milk, or Soy / Almond Milk. It technically can be used for those who are lactose intolerant, however the consistency won’t be right, and the taste is not the same. If you can, please stick to the Whole Milk

Yes, the legends are true – the first Crepe will never be the best one you make!

The urban legend is true. That first Crepe will not be the best one you make. However, we here at Dinnertime Somewhere would never throw away good food, so we always eat the first one anyway, it’s perfectly fine!

The reason that first Crepe in the frying pan is never the best is usually for a couple of reasons:

  1. The frying pan isn’t hot enough. When the pan is not hot enough before you begin cooking Crepes you’ll likely flip them before they are ready. Leaving them an off color. They will also likely not form into a nice, round shape. So not the prettiest looking Crepes!

    You really need to get a feel for your pan too when making Crepes. After the first few you’ll work out the right temperature that your frying pan and stove are working at to produce the best possible Crepe

  2. The consistency of your batter may be off. The great thing about this Easy Crepes Recipe is you can completely adjust the batter, even after you’ve made a few crepes. If you notice that the batter is way too runny and not forming even shapes, then add a little more flour to the mixture. If it is too thick, and you’re getting more of a pancakes consistency than a Crepe, then simply add more Milk

Popular filling to put in your Crepes

There are so many different varieties of fillings to include in a Crepe. You can make a Sweet Crepe with fillings such as Strawberries and Cream, Bananas, and, of course, Chocolate! You can go with more of a savory option such as Ham and Cheese, which is always popular at local Crepe vendors around the world

For the photos in this recipe, we’ve gone with our two favorite fillings to include in our Easy Crepes Recipe

Easy Crepes Recipe Strawberry
Strawberry Jelly / Jam is an awesome filling for this Easy Crepes Recipe. Try adding some whole Strawberries to the dish!

Strawberry Jelly / Strawberry Jam

Growing up, Strawberry Jelly (Jam) on toast was always a favorite of mine. So that of course translates to my flavor preferences as an adult for how I like to eat my Crepes. Nothing beats good quality Strawberry Jam, especially those ones that have some of the large chunks of strawberries in them. Sugary sweet and oh-so delicious!

We’ve always been sticklers for getting any kind of Jams or Jellies from small vendors and local markets. I don’t know what it is exactly, but those small vendors you find on the sides of the roads on country drives produce the best Jam by miles. Far superior to what you can buy in the grocery store

For added luxury, try buying some fresh strawberries and slice them up thinly. Place them in the middle of the Crepe before folding them up for a beautiful Fresh Strawberry flavor

If you want to be really naughty, you can always add a little bit of fresh whipped Cream, or Vanilla Ice Cream. This is more of a dessert-style Crepe, and it tastes phenomenal!

Easy Crepes Recipe Lemon close up
Lemon and Sugar, another classic pairing for a beautiful Crepe meal

Lemon and Sugar

Another favorite in the Dinnertime Somewhere household for our Easy Crepes Recipe is to top them with Lemon and Sugar. This is yet another classic pairing and leans more toward the savory side of the spectrum for Crepes

Add a generous amount of fine sugar (White Sugar is perfect) to the Crepe once cooked. Squeeze over the juice of ½ a Lemon then roll up and enjoy. Be generous with your Sugar coating too, as you do want the prominent flavor of the Crepe to be sweet, not sour

Recipe Details


2 people

Prep time

5 minutes

Cooking time

2 minutes per Crepe

Total time

10 minutes

Easy Crepes Recipe


  • 1 cup All Purpose Flour
  • 1 cup Whole Milk
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tbsp. White Sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Unsalted Butter
  • Optional: 1 tsp. Salt
  • Optional: ½ tsp. Ground Cinnamon


  1. Whisk together the Flour, Milk, Egg, and Sugar in a large mixing bowl until the batter is smooth, and some air bubbles have started to form
  2. Heat a large frying pan over medium / high heat and add about ½ tsp. of Butter to the pan. Once melted, swirl the butter around to cover the surface area that the Crepe will be poured into
  3. Lift the Pan off the Heat and slowly begin to pour the batter into the center of the pan. Swirl the pan around as soon as the Batter hits the pan to begin to coat the pan. The goal is to coat the entire pan with 1 large circle, as thin as possible
  4. Leave about 1 inch remaining around the edges of the pan once you’ve stopped pouring. Continue to swirl the pan to cover those edges completely
  5. Cook for 1 minute, then flip with a spatula and cook the other side for 1 minute. Be careful not to overcook the Batter, as it needs to be just cooked so the Crepes can be rolled
  6. Remove from the heat, add your toppings, and eat immediately

Easy Crepes Recipe rolled
Roll and eat your Crepes as soon as you’ve cooked them for the best result!

Note: We have found that the best way to eat Crepes is when they’ve come straight out of the pan. So, eat one while you are cooking the next for the best experience!

We hope you’ve enjoyed our fun Easy Crepes Recipe and now how to make Crepes perfectly every time. We’d love to see how your Crepes went. So please feel free to head over to our Instagram or Pinterest pages and share your creations!

For more delicious recipes why not head over to our Appetizers & Snacks page here and get creative with your cooking today!

Happy Cooking!

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