Tag: pulled chicken

Air Fryer Chicken Nachos

Air Fryer Chicken Nachos

Nothing beats a big bowl of Nachos when you’re hungry with a group of friends. You just can’t beat it! Peeling away a crispy corn chip covered with all kinds of amazingly flavored goodies. It’s just such a great meal! With the explosion in popularity 

Pulled Chicken Sliders

Pulled Chicken Sliders

This recipe is one of the fantastic uses for our delicious Pulled Mexican Chicken recipe. If you’ve come to this page from that recipe, welcome! If you’ve just stumbled upon this recipe from Google or somewhere else, please stick around! This is a super simple 

Pulled Mexican Chicken

Pulled Mexican Chicken

One of our favorite ways to prepare Chicken is using this technique. Our Pulled Mexican Chicken recipe slowly poaches the Chicken in a wonderful braising liquid filled with fragrant spices and delicious flavors. Once cooked, the Chicken simply melts in your mouth. This dish is